Caring Hands Therapeutic Massage provides professional Therapeutic experiences at affordable prices. All of our therapists, are Maryland licensed massage therapist as well as nationally NCBTMB certified. Our experienced therapists, have continued education and certification in Manual Lymph Drainage, Structural integration, Myo-fascial release, Oncology, Sports massage, Orthopedic massage, Deep tissue massage, Swedish massage, Hot-stone, Reflexology, Facilitated Stretching, Massage Cupping Bodywork Therapy, Trigger point, Neuromuscular Techniques, Kinesio Taping Practitioner® (CKTP®), Fertility and Prenatal massage. We are a small locally owned and operated business focusing on promoting wellness to our community.
We accept: Health Savings Account (HSA) and Flexible Savings Account (FSA) , and we recommend clients that are using HSA and FSA to obtain a physician referral.
The massage therapists at Caring Hands Therapeutic Massage LLC. listen to your needs and apply the proper techniques to deliver a truly therapeutic experience.
Therapeutic Massage is a great way to improve your quality of life, it relieves stress, and helps to create inner balance and harmony.
Members and non-members, we are committed to providing the best therapeutic massage experience. We are proud to offer high-quality massage treatments at affordable prices, with a wide range of appointment options. With every session, you will receive: